Events List

Displays a list of events.

To use:

All are optional
box: Displays events as box (default)
card: Displays events as cards
cardExpand: Displays events as Expandable Cards
width in px, if not set will default to the settings.
Dont include to display all.
List of ids to display events from those categories only. Example: 1,2,3
events: Default: “all”, values: “all” – “upcoming” – “passed”
months: Gets events in set months. Ex “1,2” will display events from Jan and Feb. Dont set to fetch from all months.
nextdays: If set will show events in the coming set days. Ex: 15 will show events of the comming 15 days.
order: Default: “asc”, values: “asc” – “desc”
limit: Default: “100”
filter: Allows user to filter events by categories. Default: “off” (“on”/”off”)
show_occurences_as_seperate: When off, will show event once in the list even if it has more than one occurrence. If turned on, will show every occurrences as a new entires (eventbox/card) in the list. “more dates” button will still be shown on the event.. Default: “off” (“on”/”off”)
Mixing options can be helpful. Ex: if you set months=”2″ and nextdays=”15″ then only events of the next 15 days that fall in feb will be displayed. Example: if today is 20 feb, then events from 20-28 will be shown. Similarly, If today is 3 feb, then events from 3-18 feb will be shown.

Events Slider
Event Card